SlappySlap: "How can human be sexually attracted to animals ? I can't understan[d] it, yet it's possible."
Yes, it's possible - but still relatively rare - because humans have a sex drive as opposed to sexless angels that don't.
the nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
SlappySlap: "How can human be sexually attracted to animals ? I can't understan[d] it, yet it's possible."
Yes, it's possible - but still relatively rare - because humans have a sex drive as opposed to sexless angels that don't.
i am asking this questions due to the teachings, beliefs and practices of different religions..
There is some truth in all religions. But that truth usually consists of common sense wisdom and facts about human psychology that people have acquired over the centuries. One certainly doesn't need religion to learn those truths, and those truths didn't originate with religion but was adopted by them - the same are morality.
The other more extraordinary claims of religions are almost certainly all false. One of the common tactics religions use is to give themselves credibility by demonstrating the truthfulness of their more trivial common sense claims and claims about human psychology, and then ride that wave or credibility to persuade people to accept their more ridiculous extraordinary claims.
For example, a religious authority might say something like: 'Modern psychologists have proven that the bible is right when it says 'an answer when mild turns away rage'. This proves it's a book of truth and wisdom inspired by God. Therefore we must not doubt it's truthfulness when it says that God made the first woman from a rib of the first man!'.
the nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
The Nephilim account in Genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction. Think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals. Now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible. So how could sexless angels notice that the daughters of humans are beautiful and have a desire to sleep with them? It make no sense. It is clear that the writer is ignorant of biology - ignorant of the tight link between biology and sex drive - or he would know that there's no way for genderless and sexless angels to be sexually attracted to humans.
Additionally, how/why are these angels able to produce offspring with humans? Are we supposed to believe that the angels took such great care to construct materialized bodies that are human right down to the level of creating compatible DNA with the right number of chromosomes to ensure offspring can be produced? That would mean that their chief concern was not lust but reproduction. But the text implies that it was lust.
The whole story should seem utterly ridiculous to anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of biology. I think this is perhaps one of the more under-mentioned and under-ridiculed stories of the bible.
lets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
There's a scripture in James, I believe, that goes something like this:
'If anyone sees his brother in need and has the means to help him but does not - the love of God does not remain in him.'
What does this tell us about God? Well God is able to see all who are in need and he certainly has the means to help them all, yet he does not. This tells us that the god of the bible is a monumental hypocrite who does not have the love of himself in himself. He condemns humans for not helping their fellow human in need, yet he can help everyone with less effort than it takes a human to snap their finger, and yet he does not do it. Such behavior on his part is very reminiscent of Jesus' words about the pharisees binding up heavy loads on the people while they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.
There is another text in the NT where it mentions the qualifications for elders and it says that if a man does not have children in subjection then he is unfit to serve as an overseer in the congregation because if he can't manage his own household then cannot manage the household of god. This scripture again highlights the hypocrisy of the god of the bible. The bible shows that god cannot manage his own household because a third of the angels rebelled against his authority.
Time would fail me if I go on to enumerate how the god of the bible, while claiming to be the epitome of love, fails to live up to the definition of love given by Paul in Corinthians 13.
It's very interesting how a so-called perfect god cannot or will not live up to the scriptural principles that he expects his imperfect human creation to live up to.
i pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
I once climbed all the way up the top of a ladder to do some work on an elder's roof after a hurricane - a two-story building, even!
circuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
"I noticed that in the videos I watched, the kingdom halls he visited were practically empty. I wonder if that's the case now in most places?"
Keep in mind that he usually comes at the start of the meeting and interrupts the opening prayer so the empty seats you see may not be a true reflection of the level of absenteeism when you factor in the number of JWs who are habitually late to the meetings.
i have, for about 6 months now, been trying to watch every single movie that was "cool" or interesting since started out with a desire to watch as an adult all disney movies.
then it morphed into all bond movies (except for the non-canonicals).now it's turned into pretty much any and all movies.
here is my list, scratched out are ones i have seen, green are recent next-in line.turns out there was a lot i had never seen before, about 70% because of the cult restrictions!
You missed out two great movies that you definitely do not want to miss:
War of the Worlds - 2005
I Am Legend - 2007
Trust me when I say that both movies are highly underrated.
The Mist - 2007 is another great movie that you definitely do not want to miss.
the reasoning behind the thread''s title was developed by a team looking at the teaching of evolution.
"the team, led by professor laurence hurst at the milner centre for evolution, university of bath hypothesised that since core concepts of genetics (such as dna and mutation) are so intimately linked to the core concepts of evolution, then priming students with genetics information might help their understanding of evolution.
more at:
Not just genetics. They should also be primed with a knowledge of statistics and epidemiology. Epidemiology is not directly related to evolution but it provides some useful memes that would be helpful in understanding evolution.
i am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
Ever heard the expression "now you're cooking with gas"? The very existence of that expression says it all. Electric is definitely safer from the standpoint of a fire hazard or gas leak, but it lacks the level of heat control that you get with gas.
does anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
The "personal relationship" with Jehovah that JWs talk about is wholly a product of their imaginations based on what Watchtower tells them. They imagine that Jehovah is happy with them because of their obedience to all the instructions handed down from Watchtower. It is a form of self-delusion where they give themselves a 'feeling in their heart' that Jehovah is smiling down on them. It is no different from other chrisitians talking about feeling God or Jesus in their hearts, or a Mormon talking about getting the "burning in the bosom" upon reading the Book Of Mormon and praying to ask God if it's true. It's all the same emotional self-delusion working in different theological contexts.